Meet Ernstine...

Ernstine recently attended our Pathways to Care Programme here at the hub after being encouraged to attend by the Job Centre.

Since arriving in the UK, Ernstine has not had the opportunity to work and felt that the Pathways to Care course was the perfect opportunity to get her where she wants to be.

Ernstine was 100% present at every session, learning all about the fundamentals of working within the care sector, and gained an understanding of how it works, all from industry experts from Stockton Learning & Skills.

On the final interview day, Ernstine spoke with 6 different employers who were interviewing for jobs at the end of the course. Whilst she interviewed for positions, she informed a couple of the employers of her living situation and the fact she was living in a local hotel. Unawares to this, Ernstine would struggle with a DBS due to her living situation.

As we, ‘The Hub Team’ have a great relationship with the employers, we were informed that Ernstine was a great candidate for vacancies, but due to her living situation, she needed to have a fix abode, or she could not progress forward. On that basis, The Hub Team contacted the Housing team in the Council, and let’s just say, the rest is history!

Ernstine is so grateful to everyone for their help. Not only does she have a house now, but she has a job too!